We welcome thee to the blog!

We welcome thee to the blog!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Season 5...random, epic, LUNA!

That's pretty much how to describe it. It's cool how the MLPFIM makers listen to the fans.
We have Big Mac wanting to be a princess, a background pony stand alone and so much more!
Eeyup, season 5 should be called "The Fandom Season"

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Flash Sentry. His cameos suddenly have stopped.

Flash Sentry has mysteriously disappeared from MLP-FiM episodes!

Flash Sentry had plenty of cameos in season four. But now that My Little Pony has veered into season five, he has suddenly vanished!
Did Shining Armor fire him because he thinks a member of his guards has a thing for his LSBFF?
Or has Hasbro decided to drop him definitely?

We'll just have to wait for season six.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Song Of The Princesses.

Am I the only one who finds this funny? Watch as Celestia and Luna are all solemn and then......BOOM. Cadence.

"Your destiny's uncertain...and that's sometimes hard to take. But it will become much clearer! With every new choice you make!"
"Patience is never easy...I understand wanting more! I know how hard it is to wait, to spread your wings and soar..."
"But you stand here for a reason! You're gifted and you are strong! That crown is upon your head because you beloooong!!!"

 Sorry, jus fond Cadence's piece funny.~Winter

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Pony Blog Is Go!

Hi there! Welcome to the blog...Pinkie Pie style!

A bunch of random drabbles will be on here, consecutive criticism is good...but please no hating.
Pinkie has her eye on you, and if you hate you shall be cursed...FOREVER!!
This will be a blog with a bunch of super silly stories and....

Yep! This blog'll be a real...

So make sure you...

Smile, smile, smile!
Because do you know what this blog calls for?
So please enjoy and smile, smile, smile!~Winter (Wrap up!)