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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Song Of The Princesses.

Am I the only one who finds this funny? Watch as Celestia and Luna are all solemn and then......BOOM. Cadence.

"Your destiny's uncertain...and that's sometimes hard to take. But it will become much clearer! With every new choice you make!"
"Patience is never easy...I understand wanting more! I know how hard it is to wait, to spread your wings and soar..."
"But you stand here for a reason! You're gifted and you are strong! That crown is upon your head because you beloooong!!!"

 Sorry, jus fond Cadence's piece funny.~Winter

1 comment:

  1. Boy do you love GIFS! It's not a bad thing... I love music videos... Check out my pony blog and check out my message to Pegasisters!
