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Friday, April 29, 2016

Hello Everypony! If You Like It When People Reveiw Episodes, Well, I've Come To Direct You In The Right Directon!

Wait...does that even make sense? Oh Whatever. What's up fillies and gents? Ghost Story here with some great news for you!

(Other than the fact that Civil War's approaching and I'm gonna see it!)

What? Don't judge me...

My fan attack isn't what matters though, this is about  fellow blogger of mine.
Sunshine Sundae.

She's currently reviewing Season One episodes and she has a fresh take on them! Be sure to check them out via mlpanalysisblog.blogspot.com
It's awesome!
~Ghost Story

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Pony Crazy!

Hello My Little Ponies...wanna join me? Come and play...but I might shoot you...

Ok! Ok! I get it! I swear I'm not crazy! And it's not this awesome new cutie mark I go that fits me to a "T"!

But in retrospect I've noticed that insanity makes up the mainframe of the My Little Pony fandom.
Look up Pinkamena Diane Pie and you'll know what I mean.
It seems to be a running trend in My Little Pony...showing various types...why isn't there any Twilight Crazy memes is beyond me. In every season at least one pony went crazy in some form.
Is it humor?
Or is it hinting the future of MLP? (Not in the dark sense...)
What if this mad side is going to cause a problem, causing their personality to split and their dark alters run rampant. It'd make an interesting two-parter.  (Cough!MakeithappenHasbro!Cough!)
I'm the Ghost Story...AND I SWEAR I'M SANE!~Ghost Story

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Hey everypony! Guess what? I'm an Alicorn now!

Ok, ok...just kidding! Calm down! Geez!

I wouldn't give up this amazing form for a million bucks!

But this brings up my latest subject....

Why are Alicorn OC's hated on so much?

I have noticed that a trend of the brony/pegasister fandom is to automatically hate any alicorn OC they come across.
But why?
There are billions of videos out there describing "How much I hate Alicorn OC's!"
And I don't get it. The creators of said OC's have put time and work into their character only for people to rip into them like Pinkie Pie does to cake.
In order to get to the bottom of this, we have to look at the arguments made against these Alicorns.
Let's begin!

#1-"They're too overpowered!"

Ok....this one really bugs me...Alicorns are supposed to be overpowered! Why is it only a status for the protectors/rulers (More ruler than not) of Equestria?
Because they need this extra power to protect their citizens, which results in their extreme power! Take "Twilight's Kingdom" for example. Go do it now. Did you rewatch it? Good. Moving on.

#2-"They're paired with (Insert Character here) and it's sooo annoying!"

....So? I have seen billions of OCxMainCharacter and barely anyone bats an eye! But when it's an Alicorn, oh ho ho! Duck and cover everyone!

#3-"They're so mainstream! Everyone has them!"
....and lots of people have made it mainstream to hate on Alicorn and red and black OC's.You're welcome.

#4-"Ugh! You should, like, totally kill urself for hving an Alicorn OC! Or make a new one!"
Ok, the sad part is that people have completely rebooted their time and work into making an amazing creation, just because of bullies! Like Steve Rogers once said: "I don't wanna kill anyone. I just don't like bullies." Well, I don't like them either, and if your heckling of an amazing creation is bringing someone down, you should be ashamed. (PS. Trolls, get better grammar! XP)

Alright! This has been my reviewing of Alicorn OC's and my argument for them! If you want, tell me your thoughts in the comments! This has been Ghost Story saying; "Why is Lightning Bliss' OC acceptable (besides originality) and no-one elses'?"
~The Ghost Story

Monday, April 25, 2016

Hey Everyone! Sorry for the wait!

So...I made a pony via PonyLumen.Net

It's pretty cool! I really do suggest this if you want to make your own pony and you like SFM style!
ponylumen.net Here's the link. Enjoy!