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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Romance For My Little Pony?

My little pony came out in 2010, that was six years ago. The audience it was directed at was 5-9 year old...which makes those girls about 11-15 now...myself included, but I started watching in 2012.

Now I'm sure most of them are beginning to like boys...not me, because I don't want to be involved in romance. Ick.
So, what better subject for MLP to touch upon the romance? But let's change things from "Girl pursuing the guys" lets have the guys pursue them.
And lets not make it Rarity...lets throw in a twist and use Rainbow Dash instead.
Yep. Rainbow Dash. And I have a pretty good idea for how it would go.
Rainbow might be better to use in this scenario given her nature, it'd cause some comedic scenes add also might appeal to the more "anti-romance" girls as well, and I can think of no better pony than Soarin.
They've already proven to have chemistry and they seem to be pretty good friends already. So lets start from there. But it shouldn't be an "all-of-a-sudden" episode. There should be build-up. Have them doing tricks together in the background. Have Rainbow mention training sessions with him. Just little things like that.
So when the episode airs it won't pull an "Age Of Ultron" stunt and we have buildup.
Next one of the mane six needs to notice. More than likely Rarity or possibly Twilight. Rarity is probably the better way to go, but Twilight has great observation skills so either or could work. Or they could utilize Starlight, who knows?
But anyways, have them comment on how much time they're spending together once Rainbow comes back from a flight with him. (Soarin would be gone by this point) Rainbow wouldn't get it and I can see the dialogue going a bit like this. (I'm just gonna use Ratity. Ok?)

Rarity: My, my! You certainly spend a lot of time together!
RD: Yep! Soarin's a good friend, he's also showing me the ropes of the wonderbolts!...not that I didn't already know! Heh heh...
Rarity: Just a friend darling?
RD: Eeeyeeeah, why'd you say it like that?
Rarity: Well, one couldn't quite be sure! Is he asking you to go flying with him?
RD: Yeah, why?
Rarity: AH HA! I knew it!
RD: Um...what's with you?
Rarity: OH, how could you not see it darling?
RD: See what?
Rarity: That he likes you Rainbow!
RD: Well, duh. Isn't that kinda a thing with friendship?
Rarity: Oh, no no no no no! Not that 'friendship' kind! As in the special somepony way!
RD: (takes awhile to get it then...) WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?! THERE'S NO WAY, NO HOW HE LIKES ME LIKE THAT!
Rarity: oh, don't deny it Rainbow Dash! Why, I've always dreamed of a stallion sweeping me off my feet.

Then Rarity could ramble on the background while Rainbow is slightly panicking in the foreground. Then: title scene!
Then we could have a little flight scene between Rainbow and Soarin with Rainbow Dash looking really nervous. Soarin could possibly not notice Rainbow's jitteriness (because she's afraid he'll confirm Rarity's suspicions) and they keep flying.
They can get to Rainbow's house only for him to need to get something and inform her to "wait there real quick" we can have Rainbow slightly sweating for comedy and Soarin returns with...flowers. And it'd be a laugh if the dialogue went a bit like this:

Soarin: Here you go Rainbow Dash, I hope you like them.
RD: (sweating nervously and coils her muscles in case she needs to flee)
Soarin: they're for our anniversary of when we first met. From me-!
Soarin: ...and the wonder....bolts...uh, Rainbow?

Then, we could have some Soarin screen time, which would be fun...and introduce a new member of the wonderbolts, preferably male. He'd be a cool dude with shades and the like. In order to potray males in a positive light.
He could be just chilling when Soarin walks by all confused and cool guy could start taking with him.
And there we have it. Character development.
Cool guy (I mean, c'mon. They should design this guy like he gets all the ladies. Think some of the Marvelverse flirts. Tony and Bucky-why do the flirts both end with ee?-and kind of get design ideas from them) might ask if he likes Rainbow...and causes Soarin to think. And come to the conclusion that he does.
Meanwhile we can have Rainbow curled up and stroking her tail, you know, typical nervous pony behavior.
She can be confronted by Rarity possibly...or Twilight or Fluttershy. They're good with feelings too. When asked if she genuinely enjoys spending time with him, and if she likes his personality and the way he looks we could have her think for a good while and be all like; "well...if you put it that way, yeah." And then we could have her friend say that she could at least give it a try.
And the next day could be hearts and hooves day which would be a great time to ask her....or her to ask him.
We can actually have Rainbow act insecure here because it's out of her comfort zone and the fact she's gonna ask a guy if he likes her would be unnerving. She can bite her hooves with the classic nail-biting thing seen in Magic Duel and just be kinda panicked until he flies down to where they usually meet before flying.
There could be one of those awkward moments when they just stand, looking around and awkwardly coughing every now and then.
Also, if you include the mouth opening as if wanting to ask something, then closing would also add to the humor.
Soarin could then step up and ask if she'd like to be his special somepony(I don't know how he'd word it) and Rainbow could be typical Dash, just with a nervous tilt to her voice: "Sure...heh, why not?" Then who knows how they could end it.
I'm just saying that their audience has grown up and are probably experiencing stuff like this. We see Rarity fling herself at guys all the time...why not have a guy pursue a girl so they know to let them chase her and she shouldn't chase them.

This has been Ghost Story...who wondering what in Celestia's name made her make a romance post?
~Ghost Story

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